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Elizabeth Benson: The ‘Iron Woman’ Behind Beauty by Benson

Elizabeth Benson: The ‘Iron Woman’ Behind Beauty by Benson

  • Written by Jannel Varona
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The story of Elizabeth Benson teaches us that, in order to succeed, one must be strong and break barriers. A move from the city life of Los Angeles to a small town in Wyoming left Benson putting her passion for beauty on the back burner. But after receiving a degree in Political Science from the University of Wyoming, she bravely moved to Colorado to pursue the dream she’d always envisioned for herself.

The now veteran makeup artist, stylist, model, TV personality, and entrepreneur (that’s a lot of talent!) talks to YHM about her company Beauty by Benson and what makes a woman independent.

Young Hot & Modern: What is Beauty by Benson?

EB: Beauty by Benson is a dynamic company. It delivers the Empowerment of Beauty. It is about wellness, skin care and beauty. I always say, “No matter the weather, you gotta have your face together.”

YHM: In the world of cosmetics and beauty, what makes Beauty by Benson stand out from the other companies?

EB: I am a multi-talented woman. I am a triple threat. I am a host, a makeup artist and a model. The main thing about Beauty by Benson is that it is more than the makeup. It is also about spirituality, self empowerment and beauty from within.

YHM: There are barriers that companies have to push through to be successful. What barriers did you have to push through in order to achieve the name and the company Beauty by Benson?

EB: Some barriers would be self doubt, to always believe in myself, and the finances to keep the company going.

YHM: People have different opinions about what it means to be independent. In your own words, define an independent woman.

EB: An independent woman is a woman who is connected to a higher power. I believe that is where all of her beauty, her clarity, her confidence and her strength comes from. She’s kind, thoughtful and she does great in whatever it is she does. She can stand on her two feet.

YHM: Can you tell me a particular event or time in your life where you had to be independent? How did that make an impact on your life?

EB: An event that profoundly made an impact in my life was when my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness. It is something that made me stronger spiritually.

YHM: There are girls out there who are trying to make it on their own and reach their dreams. What would your advice be to them?

EB: To stay in tuned with their inner self and trust their heart. Be bold, be big and be themselves. Keep their standards, their head and their heels high!

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